Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Reality of Pet Tarantulas

Many pets are rumored to be low-maintenance, but tarantulas truly are a low maintenance pet. Still, they may not be the perfect pet for you. Let's take a close look at their requirements and some other important information you need to know before choosing these spiders as your next pet.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Large and Ugly Spider - A Tarantula Can Be Interesting Pet

Many people keep exotic animals as pets, and the tarantula is one such pet. This is a hairy large spider which looks menacing, but is quite gentle in nature.
Before rushing out to buy a tarantula as a pet, it would be advisable to find out how to take care of it. There are some basic care requirements that you should fulfill if you want to have a healthy and happy spider.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tarantula Spiders - More Terrific Than Terrifying!

Tarantulas have been a relatively popular pet now for several years. They are unique, quiet, and need little space, and keeping tarantulas as pets can make a fascinating hobby. In fact, tarantulas are one of the most low maintenance yet exotic pets you will find. In addition, tarantulas are gentle and can be trained quite well as pets.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Need a Low-Maintenance Pet? Try a Tarantula!

If you’re like me, then you don’t really have the luxury of keeping a high-maintenance pet such as a dog. Even a less demanding pet such as a cat might be beyond your time constraints. Fish tanks can be difficult too, since it’s easy to under-estimate the time and effort involved in keeping them clean. So what options do you have?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Fear of Spiders

As amusing as it may sound to many people, Arachnophobia--the fear of spiders, is a traumatizing reality for millions of Americans and people worldwide.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What You Need to Know About Having a Pet Tarantula

Tarantulas, one of the earth's oldest species, are exotic and fascinating. Shy and rather nervous, they prefer being left alone.