Monday, May 2, 2011

Large and Ugly Spider - A Tarantula Can Be Interesting Pet

Many people keep exotic animals as pets, and the tarantula is one such pet. This is a hairy large spider which looks menacing, but is quite gentle in nature.
Before rushing out to buy a tarantula as a pet, it would be advisable to find out how to take care of it. There are some basic care requirements that you should fulfill if you want to have a healthy and happy spider.
First of all, there are many different kinds of tarantulas, but they are primarily ground dwelling or arboreal. The ground dwelling ones live in burrows and are perfect for people who are beginners. These spiders are slow to move. Also, opt for a female spider as it has a longer lifespan compared to a male. As a beginner, you can get Chilean rose tarantula, Mexican blonde, Mexican redleg, or a Costa Rican zebra.
Make sure that you house your tarantula in a glass container. Even a plastic one is alright provided you can close it securely and it get sufficient ventilation. The tank should be a minimum of 3 times the leg span of the tarantula, so a 2.5 to 5 gallon tank would be ideal. If you get a bigger tank, the tarantula will not be able to spot its prey easily.
Once you have the tank, line with a substrate like coconut fiber, peat, vermiculite or potting soil. The substrate should be about 2 to 4 inches in thickness and should be able to keep back moisture. If you intend getting a tree dwelling tarantula, then make sure that the tank is tall and there are ample branches, logs and twigs for the spider to climb on. For a tree dwelling tarantula, you should use a 10-gallon tank.
Tarantulas are carnivores and they can be fed insect such as locusts and crickets. You can even feed them aphids, moths, earthworms, mealworms, caterpillar and roaches. But, remember that their main staple is cricket. An adult tarantula can also eat small mice and lizards. Any live insect that the spider does not eat should be removed from the tank. In addition, keep a shallow dish of water for the spider which should be changed everyday.
The temperature of the tank should be maintained between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not use bright lights to get the tank temperature up. Also, the area surrounding the tank should be darker than the tank. Check out what is the required humidity level for your spider and maintain it accordingly. If the spider has to be kept in high humidity, then keep a tray of water in the tank and mist the tank around three times in a week. If the humidity requirement is low, then just the tray of water should suffice.
If your tarantula is molting, then do not handle it or even feed it. The molting period usually lasts for 2 weeks.
With these care tips, you should be able to look after the basic needs of your pet tarantula.

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